My name is Mayko. I am currently a part time student at Metro State University. My major is Philosophy. In addition to attending school, I work full time with the public in the workforce development sectors for 20+ years. The clientele I serve are transitioniong from unemployment to employment. They come from all walks of life, social and economical class.
Mother-Child watching each other This image is used under a Creative Commons License |
Unfortunaley, in other famlies the bond between the parents and their children can be broken when the children, always the daughters, bring dishonor to the family or tribe.
For my Writing 231 research paper, I decided to explore "Honor Killing." The subject touched me deeply after having watched the movie " The Stoning of Soroya." I was very disturbed by what I learned and saw from the movie. I had to know more. Mostly, I wanted to verify for myself what the Quran says about honor killings, who are the victims, who are the perpetrators, why is honor killing still happening and what is been done to stop honor killings.
Please note that I'm not an expert of honor killing. I am just an ordinary citizen who is outraged at the oppression and violation of human rights. My hope is that you will have some knowledge of honor killing and feel compelled to act. Yes, you can help!!
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