Overview: Murder for Honor " Honor Killing"

What is "Honor Killing?"

In most societies, honor is personally maintained as supposed to a group trait.  When an individual fails to obtain honor, usually it's a personal disappointment with no threat to the individual's life.  According to Amnesty Internationals " So-called honor killings are based on the belief, deeply rooted in some cultures, of women as objects and commodities, not as human beings endowed with dignity and rights equal to those of men. Women are considered the property of male relatives and are seen to embody the honor of the men to whom they "belong." Women's bodies are considered the repositories of family honor. The concepts of male status and family status are of particular importance in cultures where "honor" killings occur and where women are viewed as responsible for upholding a family's "honor." If a woman or girl is accused or suspected of engaging in behavior that could taint male and/or family status, she may face brutal retaliation from her relatives that often results in violent death. Even though such accusations are not based on factual or tangible evidence, any allegation of dishonor against a woman often suffices for family members to take matters into their own hands." 
 In 2000, the UN estimated that five thousand women are killed in the name of honor each year; that's thirteen women every single day. This is thought to be a conservative estimate since honour killings are either unreported or concealed as suicides, accidents and disappearances.   (Goldstein 31
Where it occurs?

Honor Killing is more common in Islamic societies in the Middle East (see map).  However, with the migrations to the United States and Europe, the murder in the name of honor is still practiced.  Dallas, Texas, in 2008, Yaser Said murdered both his daughters in the name of honor.  He went on the run and was featured in "America's Most Wanted."

Who are the victims?

Any women suspected or rumors of her being "sexually tainted" is in harms way of losing her life.  Even when she is a victim of rape.  Any woman leaving her abusive husband is in danger of losing her life. 

Who are the perpetrators?

Relative male of the women are recruited by her family and tribe to carry out honor killing.  Usually, the male perpetrator is of a young age so as he will not have to serve a long prison sentence. He can still live out his youth and have a life after he murdered his sister or female relative. 

It should be noted that female relatives or mothers of the murdered victim also play a role in their death. Some will lure the victim to the site while others hold her down while she's been stabbed to death.  Though there are women who kills, it is very rare.

Why is honor killing committed?

Nowhere in the Quran does it state that a man should take the life of a woman who has lost her "purity".  According to I.A. Ibrahim, A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam, "Islam encourages the husband to treat his wife well, as the Prophet Muhammed.  The family including women and children is the basic unit of civilization.  Peace and security by a stable family is greatly valued and it is the essential spiritual growth of its member." (63)

So, what is the origin of the attitude or belief that honor killing is okay?  Honor killing continues to exist because it has been a long, standing tradition in Muslim culture, which is to keep women oppressed. In a patriachal society where men are the head of the household and women are expected to obey at any cost, violence against women are condoned.